Soulpepper Perspectives: Oliver Dennis

Well. I’m writing this at the beginning of week 11 of self isolation. I’m isolating with my wife, Deb Drakeford, and our 2 grown children in our little house in East York. I’m glad I like all of them! We’ve all developed our routines to get through our days with plenty of time to play a few games together, watch favourite movies and get at a 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle that my brother sent up. We all have our good days and not so good days, like everyone I imagine.
The change in weather has done wonders and allowed me to distance visit with a couple of old friends which has done my heart good. I was thankful for the distraction last week to contribute to Mike Ross’s Coffee Concerts. A little creative output. Watch for those to be released every Monday for the next several weeks.
I spend a lot of time distracting myself. With content on the internet from museums, galleries, theatre companies and geography quizzes (thank you Mister Prest), cooking and baking, not to mention the social media time suck trying to keep abreast of the news. I am finding it difficult to give myself time to think. To just be and let my mind work on itself/myself. To find a silence. To sit in the uncomfortable-ness of confronting myself in a world where the work of my life has necessarily been suspended. I hereby determine to find some silence for myself. May you all find your peace and stay well.